February 22: Film Cosy Dens – Pelisky, Aftertalk by Dr. Eva Taterova
Burnet Hall 302, 6:30-9 pm; pizza served
March 1-April 11: Charter 77 Exhibition
UNL Love Library, Basement – by Special Collections
Witness Talk by Laco Deczi, UNL Love Library, 1 pm.
March 9: Dr. Hana Waisserova: Totalitarian Regimes and Their Dissidents (Global Café Series)
Colonial Room A, City Campus Student Union, 3–4 pm
March 30: Czech Special Collection Open House – Talk and Workshop. Get to know the Czech Special Collection!
Peterson Room and Czech Special Collection, UNL Love Library, 2–4 pm; coffee served
March 30: Dr. David Goldfrank: Good King Wenceslas. Bohemian Patron Saint in European Context (With UNL Classics and Medieval Series)
Ubuntu Room, Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center, 5–7 pm
April 10: Decorating Easter Eggs (with UNL Russian Club)
1126 Oldfather Hall, 5–6 pm
April 10: Laco Deczi and Celula New York, Jazz Concert
Great Plains Room, UNL East Campus Union, 7-9 pm.
With special thanks to Senate Convocation Fund, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Department of History, Department of Classics and Religious Studies, Global Studies, and UNL Libraries.Komensky Club and SVU Nebraska